Poorly eye

At the weekend Stanley came to stay

StanleyRalph and Stanley have great fun together but one of their games resulted in Stanley catching Ralph’s eye with a sharp tooth. A visit to the vet, where some dye was dropped in the eye shows the broken surface around a puncture

sore_eyeWe have drops to be given three times a day then all should be good.


Oops! Ralph’s been clipped

clip He looks smart and tidy but not like the lovely long haired terrier he is.

clip1His coat was rather tangled and did need a jolly good sorting out but it will grow and then he can be kept well groomed.

Flea bite :o(

Ralph was taken to see the vet after he had an adverse reaction to a flea bite. He’d been licking and nibbling for a couple of days
and had become very sore.

Vet He had an anti-inflammatory injection, an anti-flea drop on the back of his neck
and a new brush (especially for removing hair from wiry coats)
and a new nylon chewy bone…because he’s worth it.
He’s been booked in to be clipped next week!
